Move your projects from TFS to Git in Codeplex

Microsoft’s open source project community - Codeplex finally added support of Git source control system to its system. It’s a surprise decision in part that Git was created by none other than Linus Torvalds and Steve Ballmer once described Linux as a cancer.

It’s a good news for me in that I don’t have to worry about Team Explorer in each of my computers and I can work offline until I decide to sync changes with the online repository. I have already moved my projects to Git based repositories. If you want to do that too, you need to send a mail to Codeplex support giving them the link of their projects. Ideally, I would have liked to see an online interface to make this switch but I am sure days are not far ahead when this will be the one of the most desirable feature requested.

No surprise that this move is direct result of huge rise in Git popularity. Recently many people have left Codeplex and moved to Github which is a dedicated open source community project site based on Git and has become immensely popular. The rise of movement from Codeplex to Github can be just gauged by this simple Google search query

I have already moved all of my projects to Git. If you are contributing on them, see the Source code tab for updated Urls of the Git repository.