An awesome conky configuration

My simple but awesome conky configuration. Feel free to fork my repo and use it yourself. Though it will require some work to setup.


Click here to see how it looks on a desktop when nicely arranged

<a href=><img alt=conky-core src= height=485 width=200 /></a><a href=><img alt=conky-social src= width=199 height=366 /></a><a href=><img alt=conky-weather src= width=141 height=135 /></a>


  • Fetches Gmail using Atom feed
  • Fetches Facebook friend requests, notifications using fbcmd
  • Fetches Pocket unread items
  • Fetches Stackoverflow overall reputation, week, month and day change
  • Fetches twitter followers count
  • Fetches github statistics


  • Python 3 - sudo apt-get install python3
  • lm-sensors for monitoring Core temperatures - sudo apt-get install lm-sensors


  1. All the files need to be dropped into .conky folder inside your home directory i.e. ~/.conky/

  2. Fonts should be installed to /usr/share/fonts/ and then executing sudo fc-cache -fv

  3. You need to rename the file .password-sample.json inside scripts folder to .passwords.json and provide the credentials, user ids, yahoo weather code and access tokens for various social networks. See OAuth setup below

  4. Install fbcmd for facebook notifications

  5. is a main executable which fires up all the three conkies. You might want to put it in your startup of your X Window.

There are 3 conky configurations as follows:

  • conky-core: Displays CPU/RAM/Disk metrics. Does not fetch anything from web except the WAN IP

  • conky-social: Displays data from various social networks such as Facebook, Feedly, Github, Stackoverflow, Pocket etc.

  • conky-weather: This is a fork of Full credit to him. I just converted inline unreadable curl calls to python script and bit of UI hacks

OAuth Setup

Most of the social networks use OAuth as their authentication mechanism. You will need to setup your own OAuth access tokens for the conky to work and update it in .password.json file. Given below is each social network which this conky reads data from and its authentication mechanism.

  • Gmail - Username / password
  • Github - Username / password
  • Facebook - Access via fbcmd
  • Stackoverflow - Uses unauthenticated API. No setup required except userid
  • Twitter - Uses OAuth Application only authentication
  • Pocket - OAuth. See developer docs
  • Feedly - OAuth token must be requested via email


It utilizes few fonts to render social icons. They are present in the fonts folder

Update Intervals

There are different intervals configured for each conky and individual social networks within conky configuration file. I am not describing it out here as I assume that user knows how to tweak conky configurations.


I would like to thank following people for their awesome open source projects used in this conky: